Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG)

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG)

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Download Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG). You can downloading this logo in Vektor High Definition (HD) Resolution and transparent background PNG. But, before you're downloading this logo we need a little explanation about this logo.

The Party of Functional Groups (Indonesian: Partai Golongan Karya), often known by its abbreviation Golkar, is a political party in Indonesian. It was founded as the Joint Secretariat of Functional Groups (Indonesian: Sekretariat Bersama Golongan Karya, Sekber Golkar) in 1964, and participated for the first time in national elections in 1971 as Functional Groups. Golkar was not officially a political party until 1999, when it was required to become a party in order to contest elections.

Golkar was the ruling political group from 1971 to 1999, under presidents Suharto and B. J. Habibie. It subsequently joined the ruling coalitions under presidents Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Sukarnoputri, and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. When President Joko Widodo of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle was elected in 2014, Golkar initially joined an opposition coalition led by former general Prabowo Subianto but in 2016 switched its allegiance to Widodo's government.

  File Name   Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar)
  Type of File   CDR, EPS, AI, SG, PNG
  Size   3.429 KB
  Country   Indonesia

Any Version Logos from Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar)

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG)

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Main Logo

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG)

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Secondary Logo

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG)

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) +4 Logo

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG)

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Single Color White Version

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Vector Format (CDR, EPS, AI, SVG, PNG)

Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Logo Single Color Black Version

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Sukalogo is a logo download site with various file formats such as CDR (CorelDRAW), EPS, AI (Adobe Illustrator), SVG, and PNG. Hopefully it can simplify and speed up your work with this website. You can download the logo you are looking for by downloading it at the link we have listed on this site, and then being directed to Google Drive. Thank you for your support, hopefully useful.

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